How God Radically Transforms People, Churches, and Organizations From the Inside Out

Do you ache for a visible witness of God’s kingdom to break through in your life or organization, but don’t know where to begin?

What if, instead of remaining stuck in unfruitful patterns and systems, we could experience the personal, church, and organizational transformation we so desperately desire?

The answer lies in Jesus’ first words as he began his public ministry: “metanoia.” This profound concept encompasses repentance as a radical paradigm shift and reorientation, inviting us to perceive the world through God’s eyes and bringing transformation in our own lives, the organizations we lead, and the world around us.

In this book, Alan Hirsch and Rob Kelly bring together their decades of experience helping countless organizational leaders to implement deep and significant change. Combining a theologically robust understanding of metanoia, along with best thinking from the social sciences, this book equips individuals and organizations to serve courageously and effectively in a complex and uncertain world.

“Metanoia invites us to see through the eyes and heart of God himself, enabling deep personal and corporate renewal, healing, and transformation.”

— Metanoia

What People Are Saying

  • DAVE FERGUSON, lead visionary, NewThing; author, BLESS

    “In Metanoia, Hirsch and Kelly offer insightful answers to important missiological questions: What if, instead of following old models, we turned to God for new ideas? What if, instead of holding onto the past, we sought God’s future? Metanoia brilliantly explains how repentance realigns our hearts with God’s and creates a shift that prepares his people to reach the world in brand new ways.”

  • LISA RODRIGUEZ-WATSON, national director, Missio Alliance; contributing author, Voices of Lament and Red Skies

    “The church needs a course correction! Far beyond the guilt and shame frameworks of repentance we have previously held to, this book beckons us to consider metanoia as the radical paradigm shift we need in order to see with fresh eyes the beauty awaiting us in Christ. Compelling, hopeful, and unflinching, Metanoia is a masterful book that every Christian leader should read.”

  • DR. EFREM SMITH, co-pastor, Midtown Church; author, The Post-Black and Post-White Church and Killing Us Softly

    “This book comes at a time when it is deeply needed, as the church continues to recover from a global pandemic, as well as navigating racial unrest, political polarization, and the need for a new awakening within evangelicalism. Within these pages you will gain insights that hopefully lead you as church leaders to rediscover biblical rootedness, reimagine the mission of the church, and re-engage cultures for a greater advancement of the kingdom of God.”

  • NANCY ORTBERG, CEO, Transforming the Bay with Christ; author, Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands

    “Every once in a while, I find myself reading a book that I have to close. It’s too much, too good…It’s so overwhelmingly true and hopeful, that it shifts the foundation of my soul. With the WHY linked with the HOW, Alan and Rob plumb the depths of Jesus and emerge with a way forward for all of us, individually and collectively—a force, perhaps like the one that caused the disciples to drop everything and follow.”

  • BRIAN SANDERS, founder, Underground Network; author, Microchurches

    “Coming to terms with, and applying, the grace implicit in discovering and admitting error (our own not others) may be the most important competency of our time. This book is a master class, a philosophical tour de force—a profound, transformative, and luminous work.”

  • REV. DR. NICOLE MARTIN, author, Made to Lead and Leaning In, Letting Go

    “Every Christian leader who longs for personal, church, or organizational transformation needs to read this book! Alan and Rob aren’t just talking about distant theories; they are speaking of what they know and have experienced for themselves. Get ready for true and radical change when you apply the wisdom from these trusted guides.”

  • JR WOODWARD, national director, The V3 Movement; author, The Scandal of Leadership and Creating a Missional Culture

    “The body of Christ is the hope of the world, but is there hope for the church? Hirsch and Kelly have gifted us with eyes to see that we are living in a kairos moment in time, and that if we choose continual metanoia, God can shift the tracks of history through us.”

  • DANIELLE STRICKLAND, advocate, author, and speaker

    “This book is like Lady Wisdom crying out in the streets, inviting people to open their minds and soften their hearts to receive the precious, life-altering, beautiful, good news of Jesus. Read it and weep. Your tears will turn to joy as the One who holds our lives and future comes into clearer view.”

About the Authors

ALAN HIRSCH is an award-winning author/coauthor of numerous books on missional spirituality, leadership, and organization. He is co-founder of Movement Leaders Collective, the Forge Missional Training Network, and 5Q Collective. Alan has worked with churches and organizations across the world but mainly in North America, Europe, and Australia. He is a movement mentor for NewThing International and is a consultant for Redeemer City to City. His experience includes leading a local church movement among the marginalized, developing training systems for innovative missional leadership, and heading up his denomination's mission and revitalization work.

ROB KELLY is a catalyst for city networks that unite the church for the flourishing of cities. He is founder of the For Charlotte Network and co-founder of City Leaders Collective. As an author, communicator, and mission strategist, Rob is a regular speaker at churches, conferences, and seminars. Prior to this work, Rob served for thirteen years pastoring in Charlotte, co-founding CLT/ONE, and lecturing at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. Rob is married to Ani, and they are the proud parents of Addison and RJ.

Speaking Engagements

Alan or Rob are available to share some of the key principles and tools of Metanoia with your faith community, conference, podcast, or webinar. Click “contact us” to share information about your speaking engagement request.

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